Exploring Tirta Empul: Bali's Sacred Water Temple

Tirta Empul is a Hindu Balinese water temple located in the village of Manukaya in central Bali, Indonesia. It is famous for its sacred spring water, which is believed to have curative and purifying properties.

The temple dates back to the 10th century and was built during the reign of the Warmadewa dynasty. It is dedicated to Vishnu, the Hindu god of water, and is considered one of the most important temples on the island of Bali.

The main attraction of Tirta Empul is the purification pools, which are fed by a natural spring that emerges from the ground. Visitors can participate in a traditional purification ritual called "melukat," in which they enter the pools and cleanse themselves under the water spouts.

In addition to the purification pools, Tirta Empul also features several other important structures, including a series of shrines dedicated to different gods and goddesses, a holy banyan tree, and a pavilion where visitors can make offerings and pray.

Overall, Tirta Empul is a significant spiritual and cultural site in Bali, and is visited by both tourists and locals alike for its beauty, history, and religious significance.

Tirta Empul


Tirta Empul has a long and fascinating history that is closely tied to the development of Hinduism in Bali. The temple was founded during the reign of the Warmadewa dynasty, which ruled over Bali from the 10th to the 14th centuries.

According to legend, the temple was created by the god Indra as a way to help his army defeat a demon king named Mayadenawa, who had been causing havoc on earth. Indra used his magical powers to create a spring of healing water, which he then used to revive his soldiers and give them strength in battle. The spring was later turned into a temple, which became known as Tirta Empul.

Over the centuries, the temple has undergone several renovations and additions, with different rulers and families contributing to its development. In the 16th century, the temple was significantly expanded by the priest Nirartha, who added a series of shrines and other structures to the site.

During the colonial period, Tirta Empul was largely neglected by the Dutch authorities, who saw it as a relic of the island's pagan past. However, in the 1930s, the temple underwent a major restoration effort under the direction of the famous Balinese architect Gusti Nyoman Lempad. This helped to preserve the temple for future generations and made it one of the most important cultural sites in Bali.

Today, Tirta Empul remains a vital part of Balinese culture and religion. It is visited by thousands of tourists and locals each year, who come to experience the sacred waters and pay homage to the gods and goddesses of Hinduism.


The main specialty of Tirta Empul is its holy spring water, which is believed to have purifying and healing properties. The temple's purification pools are fed by the natural spring, and visitors can participate in a traditional purification ritual called "melukat," which involves entering the pools and washing oneself under the water spouts.

The temple also features several other important structures, including a series of shrines dedicated to different gods and goddesses, a holy banyan tree, and a pavilion where visitors can make offerings and pray.

Tirta Empul is considered one of the most important spiritual and cultural sites in Bali, and its significance is recognized by both locals and visitors. The temple offers a unique opportunity to learn about Balinese Hinduism and its rituals, and to experience the beauty and serenity of a sacred place.

In addition to its spiritual and cultural significance, Tirta Empul is also known for its stunning architecture and scenic beauty. The temple is set against a backdrop of lush green hills and features intricate carvings and statues, as well as ornate gates and pavilions.

Overall, Tirta Empul is a truly special place that offers a unique and unforgettable experience to all who visit. Whether you come for spiritual reasons or simply to appreciate its beauty, the temple is sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and soul.


Tirta Empul offers a range of facilities to ensure that visitors have a comfortable and enjoyable experience. Some of the main facilities available at the temple include:

  • Parking: There is a parking area available for visitors, which is located a short distance from the temple entrance.
  • Restrooms: Restrooms are available for visitors to use, and they are located near the entrance of the temple.
  • Changing rooms: Changing rooms are available for those who wish to participate in the purification ritual and need a place to change into traditional clothing.
  • Locker rental: Lockers are available for rent for visitors who need a place to store their belongings while they explore the temple.
  • Tour guides: Local tour guides are available for hire, and they can provide in-depth information about the history and significance of the temple.
  • Souvenir shops: There are several souvenir shops located near the temple entrance, where visitors can purchase Balinese handicrafts, clothing, and other items.
  • Food and drink: There are several food and drink stalls located near the temple entrance, where visitors can purchase snacks, drinks, and meals.

Overall, Tirta Empul provides visitors with all the necessary facilities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable visit.

Services Fee (Hotel, Transportation, act.)

Tirta Empul is located in the village of Tampaksiring, which is approximately 30 km north of Ubud in Bali. As such, visitors may need to consider additional costs for hotel accommodations, transportation, and other activities in the area.

The cost of hotel accommodations can vary widely depending on the type of accommodation and the season. Ubud is a popular tourist destination in Bali, and there are many options available for hotels, guesthouses, and homestays at various price points.

Transportation costs will also depend on the mode of transportation and distance traveled. Private drivers and taxis are available for hire, and the cost will depend on factors such as distance, time, and negotiation skills. It's recommended to negotiate the price before starting the journey.

Other activities in the area may also require additional fees, such as admission fees to other temples or attractions, spa treatments, or outdoor activities.

Overall, the cost of services such as hotels, transportation, and activities will depend on the individual traveler's preferences and budget. It's a good idea to research and plan ahead to ensure that you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience within your budget.


There are several transportation options available to reach Tirta Empul from different parts of Bali:

  • Private car or taxi: Private car or taxi hire is the most convenient option and offers the flexibility to explore the area at your own pace. Many hotels and guesthouses in Bali offer private car hire services for day trips, or you can hire a taxi from any part of Bali.
  • Motorbike or scooter: Motorbikes or scooters are a popular option for tourists who want to explore Bali on their own. Rentals are widely available throughout Bali, and it's a cost-effective option for those traveling on a budget.
  • Shared transportation: Shared transportation options such as shuttle buses or mini-vans are also available, which are a cost-effective option for solo travelers or small groups. These services can be booked through tour operators or travel agencies.
  • Public transportation: Public transportation in Bali mainly consists of local buses or bemos, which can be crowded and time-consuming. It's not recommended for tourists who are not familiar with the local language or customs.

Overall, private car or taxi hire is the most convenient option for visiting Tirta Empul, but other options are available depending on your budget and preferences. It's important to plan ahead and book in advance to ensure a hassle-free transportation experience.

Tips For Travelling

If you're planning a visit to Tirta Empul or Bali in general, here are some tips that may be helpful:

  • Dress appropriately: As Tirta Empul is a Hindu temple, visitors are required to dress modestly and respectfully. Both men and women should cover their shoulders and wear clothing that covers their knees. Traditional Balinese clothing can be rented at the temple for a small fee.
  • Wear comfortable shoes: The temple grounds can be quite large, and there is a fair amount of walking involved, so it's important to wear comfortable shoes.
  • Bring cash: Many shops and vendors in Bali may not accept credit cards, so it's important to bring enough cash in Indonesian Rupiah. There are ATMs available throughout Bali, but they may not be available at the temple.
  • Stay hydrated: Bali is a tropical island, and the weather can be hot and humid. It's important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Negotiate prices: Bargaining or negotiating prices is common practice in Bali, especially in markets and with street vendors. It's important to be respectful but also assertive when negotiating prices.
  • Respect local customs and traditions: Balinese people are known for their hospitality and friendliness, but it's important to respect their customs and traditions. Avoid pointing with your feet or touching someone's head, as these are considered disrespectful in Balinese culture.
  • Be mindful of your belongings: Bali is generally a safe place, but it's important to be mindful of your belongings, especially in crowded areas. Keep an eye on your belongings and avoid carrying large amounts of cash or valuables.

By following these tips, you can have a safe and enjoyable experience visiting Tirta Empul and other destinations in Bali.


In conclusion, Tirta Empul is a significant and sacred temple in Bali, Indonesia. It is known for its purification ritual, which involves bathing in the holy spring water of the temple. The temple has a rich history and cultural significance, making it a popular destination for tourists and locals alike.

Visitors should be aware of the admission fee and additional fees for services such as traditional clothing rental or local tour guides. It's important to dress appropriately, wear comfortable shoes, bring enough cash, and be respectful of local customs and traditions.

Transportation options include private car or taxi hire, motorbike or scooter rental, shared transportation, and public transportation. It's important to plan ahead and book in advance to ensure a hassle-free transportation experience.

Overall, a visit to Tirta Empul can be a unique and enriching experience for those interested in Balinese culture and history.

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