Overview of Sumatra Island: Provinces, Biodiversity, and Economy

Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world, located in the western region of Indonesia. The island spans about 1,700 km from north to south and about 450 km wide, with a total land area of approximately 473,481 square kilometers. Sumatra consists of ten provinces, namely Aceh, Bengkulu, Jambi, Riau Islands, Lampung, Riau, West Sumatra, South Sumatra, North Sumatra, and Bangka Belitung.

Sumatra is home to a high level of biodiversity, with extensive tropical rainforests, large rivers, and rich marine life. Some places on the island are also popular tourist destinations, such as Lake Toba in North Sumatra and Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park in Lampung.

Sumatra is also a center of economic growth in Indonesia. Many regions in Sumatra are known for their mining and plantation sectors, such as oil and gas, coal, rubber, palm oil, tea, and coffee. Several major cities in Sumatra, such as Medan, Palembang, and Pekanbaru, are important trading and industrial centers in Indonesia.

Sumatera Island

The list of provinces in Sumatra Island

Here is the list of provinces in Sumatra Island in alphabetical order, along with their capital cities:

  1. Aceh - Banda Aceh
  2. Bengkulu - Bengkulu City
  3. Jambi - Jambi City
  4. Riau Islands - Tanjung Pinang
  5. Lampung - Bandar Lampung
  6. Riau - Pekanbaru
  7. West Sumatra - Padang
  8. South Sumatra - Palembang
  9. North Sumatra - Medan

It is worth noting that a part of the Riau Islands province is located outside Sumatra Island, consisting of several islands around Riau province and Bangka Belitung Islands province.

Special Characteristics

Sumatra Island has several special characteristics, including:

  • High biodiversity: Sumatra has many tropical rainforests and large rivers that are home to a variety of rare flora and fauna, including Sumatran orangutans, tigers, and elephants.
  • Beautiful natural scenery: Sumatra offers spectacular natural attractions such as Lake Toba, Mount Kerinci, and beaches in Aceh.
  • Abundant natural resources: Sumatra is rich in natural resources, especially in the mining and plantation sectors, such as oil and gas, coal, rubber, palm oil, tea, and coffee.
  • Center of economic growth: Sumatra is a center of economic growth in Indonesia with many major cities such as Medan, Palembang, and Pekanbaru as important trading and industrial centers.
  • Rich culture: Sumatra has a unique and diverse culture, with various ethnic groups and traditions that differ between one region and another, such as the Batak people in North Sumatra and the Kubu tribe in Jambi.

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