The Traditional Balinese Dish of Tipat Cantok: Description, Ingredients, and Price

Tipat Cantok is a traditional dish from Bali, Indonesia. It is made of sliced and diced vegetables such as long beans, bean sprouts, cucumber, and spinach mixed with steamed rice cakes called "Tipat". The mixture is then seasoned with peanut sauce made from crushed peanuts, shallots, garlic, chili, and sweet soy sauce. Some variations of Tipat Cantok also include boiled eggs, fried tempeh, and fried tofu.

Tipat Cantok is a popular dish in Bali and is often sold in local warungs (small food stalls) or night markets. It is a refreshing and savory dish that can be enjoyed as a main course or as a side dish to accompany other Balinese dishes.

Tipat Cantok

Tipat Cantok is a dish that is commonly found in Bali, particularly in traditional markets or street food vendors. The dish consists of Tipat, which is a type of rice cake made from steamed rice that has been compressed into a small square or triangular shape. The rice cake is then cut into small pieces and mixed with a variety of vegetables, typically long beans, bean sprouts, spinach, and cucumber.

The mixed vegetables and rice cake are then topped with a peanut sauce made from crushed peanuts, shallots, garlic, chili, and sweet soy sauce. The sauce is typically mixed with water or coconut milk to make it thinner and easier to mix with the vegetables.

Some variations of Tipat Cantok also include boiled eggs, fried tempeh, and fried tofu. These ingredients add extra texture and flavor to the dish.

The dish is usually served at room temperature or slightly chilled, making it a refreshing and light meal that is perfect for the hot and humid climate of Bali. It is a popular dish among locals and tourists alike, and is often enjoyed as a main course or as a side dish to accompany other Balinese dishes.

In summary, Tipat Cantok is a traditional Balinese dish made of sliced and diced vegetables mixed with steamed rice cakes and topped with a peanut sauce. It is a refreshing and savory dish that is commonly found in local markets and street food vendors in Bali.

Average price

The price of Tipat Cantok can vary depending on the location and the vendor. In Bali, it is generally considered to be an affordable dish, and you can find it for as little as 10,000 to 20,000 Indonesian Rupiah (approximately 0.70 to 1.40 USD) at small warungs or street food vendors. In more upscale restaurants or tourist areas, the price may be slightly higher, typically ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 Indonesian Rupiah (approximately 1.40 to 2.80 USD). However, it is important to note that prices can vary depending on the specific ingredients and the portion size.

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