Galungan: A Holiday in Bali

Galungan is a Balinese Hindu holiday that occurs every 210 days in the Balinese calendar. The holiday lasts for 10 days and celebrates the victory of dharma (good) over adharma (evil). During Galungan, Balinese Hindus decorate their homes with penjor, which are tall bamboo poles decorated with woven coconut leaves and other offerings. They also visit temples, offer prayers and make offerings to their ancestors and deities.

The first day of Galungan is known as Penampahan Galungan, which is when Balinese Hindus slaughter pigs or other animals for offerings to the gods. The second day, Galungan Day, is the main day of the holiday and is when the Balinese Hindus dress in their finest clothing and visit their family and friends. On the last day, known as Kuningan, Balinese Hindus make special offerings to their ancestors and pray for prosperity and good health.


Galungan is an important holiday in Bali, and the celebrations can vary from region to region. The holiday is also an important cultural event that highlights the unique traditions and customs of the Balinese people.

Galungan is a time for Balinese Hindus to honor their ancestors and deities, and many rituals and ceremonies are performed during the 10-day celebration. One of the most important rituals is the offering of canang sari, which are small palm leaf baskets filled with flowers, rice, and other offerings. These are placed on family shrines and in temples as a way of giving thanks and asking for blessings.

Another important aspect of Galungan is the preparation of traditional Balinese dishes, such as lawar and babi guling (roast pig). These dishes are typically served during the celebrations and are shared with family and friends.

Galungan is also a time when Balinese Hindus come together to perform traditional dances and music. The most famous dance associated with Galungan is the Barong dance, which tells the story of the battle between good and evil.

Overall, Galungan is an important time for Balinese Hindus to connect with their spiritual and cultural heritage, and to come together with their community to celebrate and honor their traditions.

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