Travel Guide: Batu Belayar Island - Location, Transportation, Unique Features, and Tips

Batu Belayar Island is a small island located in the Riau Islands Province of Indonesia. The island is also known as Pulau Batu Berlayar, which means "Sailing Rock Island" in English. It is located in the South China Sea, just off the coast of Bintan Island and is part of the Bintan Island cluster of islands.

The island is named after a large rock formation on its coast that resembles a ship with sails. The island is uninhabited and is a popular spot for day trips and snorkeling among tourists visiting Bintan Island. The clear waters around the island are home to a variety of marine life, including colorful coral reefs, fish, and sea turtles. Visitors can take a boat from Bintan Island to reach Batu Belayar Island and explore its natural beauty.

Batu Belayar Island

Location and Transportation Details

Batu Belayar Island is located in the Riau Islands Province of Indonesia, which is part of the larger Indonesian archipelago. The island is located in the South China Sea, just off the coast of Bintan Island, which is a popular tourist destination.

To reach Batu Belayar Island, visitors can take a boat from Bintan Island. Bintan Island can be reached by ferry from Singapore, which is the closest international airport to the island. There are several ferry operators that offer daily services between Singapore and Bintan Island. The journey takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Once visitors arrive at Bintan Island, they can take a local boat or hire a private boat to reach Batu Belayar Island. The boat ride takes about 30 minutes, depending on the sea conditions.

It's important to note that Batu Belayar Island is an uninhabited island, and there are no facilities or services available on the island. Visitors are advised to bring their own food, water, and snorkeling gear. It's also important to respect the environment and take all trash back to Bintan Island to dispose of it properly.

Special and Unique in Batu Belayar Island

Batu Belayar Island is known for its unique rock formation that resembles a ship with sails, which is a popular spot for tourists to take photos. However, the island also offers some other special and unique features that make it worth visiting:

  1. Pristine natural environment: Batu Belayar Island is an uninhabited island, which means its natural environment is still largely untouched. Visitors can enjoy crystal clear waters, white sandy beaches, and lush green forests, which provide a peaceful and serene setting for relaxation.
  2. Snorkeling and diving: The clear waters around Batu Belayar Island are home to a variety of marine life, including colorful coral reefs, fish, and sea turtles. Visitors can snorkel or dive to explore the underwater world and get up close with these beautiful creatures.
  3. Peaceful and secluded atmosphere: As an uninhabited island, Batu Belayar offers a peaceful and secluded atmosphere that allows visitors to escape the crowds and enjoy a quiet day in nature. The island is an ideal spot for picnicking, sunbathing, and relaxing on the beach.
  4. Cultural significance: Batu Belayar Island is also culturally significant to the local Malay community. Legend has it that the island was a landing spot for the first Malay immigrants who came to the region. Visitors can learn more about the island's history and cultural significance by speaking with locals or taking a guided tour.

Average Service Fees

Since Batu Belayar Island is an uninhabited island and does not have any facilities or services available on the island, there are no service fees or entrance fees charged for visiting the island.

However, visitors will need to pay for transportation to reach the island, such as the cost of a boat ride from Bintan Island. The cost of boat transportation to Batu Belayar Island can vary depending on the operator and the type of boat used, but visitors can expect to pay around IDR 150,000 to IDR 300,000 (approximately USD 10 to USD 20) for a round trip.

Visitors may also need to pay for rental of snorkeling gear or other equipment, depending on their needs. These rental fees can vary depending on the vendor, but visitors can expect to pay around IDR 50,000 to IDR 100,000 (approximately USD 3 to USD 7) for snorkeling gear rental.

It's important to note that prices may vary depending on the season, demand, and negotiation skills, so it's always a good idea to check with local vendors for up-to-date information on fees and prices.

Tips for Travel to Batu Belayar Island

Here are some tips for traveling to Batu Belayar Island:

  1. Bring your own supplies: Batu Belayar Island is an uninhabited island, and there are no facilities or services available on the island. Visitors are advised to bring their own food, water, and snorkeling gear.
  2. Respect the environment: It's important to respect the environment and take all trash back to Bintan Island to dispose of it properly. Visitors should also avoid damaging coral reefs and other marine life by not touching or stepping on them.
  3. Check the weather: The weather can be unpredictable in the region, so visitors should check the weather forecast before heading to Batu Belayar Island. If the sea conditions are rough, it may not be safe to travel by boat to the island.
  4. Hire a local guide: Visitors can hire a local guide to accompany them on their trip to Batu Belayar Island. A local guide can provide valuable information about the island's history and cultural significance, as well as help with navigation and safety.
  5. Wear appropriate clothing: It's recommended to wear comfortable and breathable clothing, as well as appropriate footwear for walking on the beach and snorkeling.
  6. Bring sunscreen and insect repellent: The tropical climate in the region can be hot and humid, so it's important to bring sunscreen and insect repellent to protect against sunburn and insect bites.
  7. Be mindful of cultural norms: Batu Belayar Island is culturally significant to the local Malay community, so visitors should be respectful of local customs and traditions. It's recommended to dress modestly and avoid loud noises or disruptive behavior.

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